6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
The Grand Master’s Lodge of Excellence Award is designed to raise the overall proficiency of a lodge by increasing visibil- ity within the community and the fraternity. Lodges attaining the award will receive it at the 226th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky in October, 2025. They must meet the requirements from October 22, 2024, through August 10, 2025. All applications must be signed by the Master of the lodge and certified by the lodge Secretary, with his signature and the seal of the lodge. Applications must be received by the Grand Lodge Office by August 15, 2025. The requirements for this award are based on input from individual lodges, Past Grand Masters, previous excellence programs and myself. The purpose of this program is to encourage lodges to become very active in their communities and in Masonic knowledge and procedures.
*See Appendix G for the Grand Master’s Excellence Award Program*