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Kentucky Lodge List

1st Week | 2nd Week | 3rd Week | 4th Week | 5th Week

3rd Mon., each month67Breckinridgeat 7:00 PM CTHARDINSBURG
3rd Mon., each month596Bremenat 7:00 PM CTBREMEN
3rd Mon., each month155Bullittat 7:30 PM ETSHELBYVILLE
3rd Mon., each month919Camp Knoxat 7:00 PM ETRADCLIFF
3rd Mon., each month134Carrolltonat 7:00 PM ETCARROLLTON
3rd Mon., each month272Cassiaat 7:00 PM CTMORGANTOWN
3rd Mon., each month3Georgetownat 7:30 PM ETGEORGETOWN
3rd Mon., each month835Gilbertsvilleat 7:00 PM CTGRAND RIVERS
3rd Mon., each month208Grahamat 7:00 PM CTSCOTTSVILLE
3rd Mon., each month54Greensburgat 6:30 PM CTGREENSBURG
3rd Mon., each month515H.A.M. Hendersonat 7:00 PM CTTOMPKINSVILLE
3rd Mon., each month766Hansonat 6:30 PM CTHANSON
3rd Mon., each month958Hendersonat 7:00 PM CTHENDERSON
3rd Mon., each month689Hindmanat 7:00 PM ETHINDMAN
3rd Mon., each month37Hopkinsvilleat 7:00 PM CTHOPKINSVILLE
3rd Mon., each month856Jenkinsat 7:30 PM ETJENKINS
3rd Mon., each month1Lexingtonat 7:30 PM ETLEXINGTON
3rd Mon., each month60Lincolnat 7:30 PM ETSTANFORD
3rd Mon., each month105Murrayat 7:00 PM CTMURRAY
3rd Mon., each month523Orphans Friendat 7:00 PM CTMADISONVILLE
3rd Mon., each month130Owensboro-Yellow Banksat 7:30 PM CTOWENSBORO
3rd Mon., each month381Paintsvilleat 7:00 PM ETPAINTSVILLE
3rd Mon., each month719Phoenixat 7:00 PM ETWALTON
3rd Mon., each month661Pinnacleat 7:30 PM ETMIDDLESBORO
3rd Mon., each month111Somersetat 7:00 PM ETSOMERSET
3rd Mon., each month50Springfieldat 7:30 PM ETSPRINGFIELD
3rd Mon., each month906St. Matthews-PRPat 7:00 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Mon., each month218Swigert-Middletownat 7:00 PM ETMIDDLETOWN
3rd Mon., each month490Williamsburgat 7:00 PM ETWILLIAMSBURG
3rd Mon., each month161Wingateat 7:00 PM ETSIMPSONVILLE
3rd Tue., each month132B. R. Youngat 7:30 PM ETHODGENVILLE
3rd Tue., each month538Bailey-Ontonat 7:00 PM CTSEBREE
3rd Tue., each month55Bathat 7:00 PM ETOWINGSVILLE
3rd Tue., each month6Duvallat 7:30 PM ETBARDSTOWN
3rd Tue., each month931Edmontonat 7:00 PM CTEDMONTON
3rd Tue., each month729Ensorat 7:30 PM CTPHILPOT
3rd Tue., each month946Fort Campbellat 7:00 PM CTOAK GROVE
3rd Tue., each month808Fort Thomasat 7:00 PM ETWILDER
3rd Tue., each month315Kingstonat 7:30 PM ETBEREA
3rd Tue., each month884Lonesome Pineat 7:30 PM ETNEON
3rd Tue., each month586McNeilat 7:30 PM ETLEBANON JUNCTION
3rd Tue., each month874Orie S. Wareat 7:00 PM ETSTEARNS
3rd Tue., each month2Parisat 7:30 PM ETPARIS
3rd Tue., each month829Pewee Valleyat 7:30 PM ETCRESTWOOD
3rd Tue., each month449Plain Cityat 7:00 PM CTPADUCAH
3rd Tue., each month954Robert M. Sirkleat 7:30 PM ETLEXINGTON
3rd Tue., each month765Rocky Fordat 7:30 PM ETDUNNVILLE
3rd Tue., each month830Shawneeat 7:30 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Tue., each month917Symsoniaat 7:00 PM CTSYMSONIA
3rd Tue., each month210Taylorsvilleat 7:00 PM ETTAYLORSVILLE
3rd Tue., each month472W.G. Simpsonat 7:30 PM ETFRANKFORT
3rd Wed., each month774Jeffersontownat 7:30 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Thu., each month896Buechelat 7:30 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Thu., each month634Burnsideat 7:00 PM ETBURNSIDE
3rd Thu., each month96Columbiaat 7:00 PM CTCOLUMBIA
3rd Thu., each month722Craftsmanat 7:00 PM ETLIBERTY
3rd Thu., each month568Elkhornat 7:00 PM ETCAMPBELLSVILLE
3rd Thu., each month942Fairdaleat 7:30 PM ETFAIRDALE
3rd Thu., each month28Franklinat 7:30 PM ETDANVILLE
3rd Thu., each month675Hartfordat 7:00 PM CTHARTFORD
3rd Thu., each month201Magnoliaat 7:00 PM ETMACKVILLE
3rd Thu., each month379Monsarratat 7:00 PM CTOWENSBORO
3rd Thu., each month76Morrisonat 7:30 PM ETELIZABETHTOWN
3rd Thu., each month563Oaklandat 7:00 PM CTOAKLAND
3rd Thu., each month934Park Cityat 7:00 PM CTPARK CITY
3rd Thu., each month266Robinson-Plumb at 7:30 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Thu., each month81Salemat 7:00 PM CTMARION
3rd Thu., each month951Shively-Lewis-Parklandat 7:00 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Thu., each month878Stanleyat 7:30 PM CTOWENSBORO
3rd Thu., each month740Suburbanat 7:30 PM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Thu., each month108Tadmorat 7:30 PM ETWARSAW
3rd Thu., each month929Viccoat 7:00 PM ETSASSAFRASS
3rd Thu., each month603Vine Groveat 7:30 PM ETVINE GROVE
3rd Thu., each month754Whitesburgat 7:00 PM ETWHITESBURG
3rd Fri., each month231Bear Wallow/Cave Cityat 7:30 PM CTCAVE CITY
3rd Fri., each month617Bereaat 7:00 PM ETBEREA
3rd Fri., each month879Harlanat 7:00 PM ETGRAYS KNOB
3rd Fri., each month186Livermoreat 7:30 PM CTLIVERMORE
3rd Fri., each month255Mt. Gileadat 7:30 PM ETSCIENCE HILL
3rd Fri., each month355Washington Meredithat 7:00 PM CTBROWNSVILLE
3rd Sat., each month40Amityat 7:00 PM ETMILLERSBURG
3rd Sat., each month505Beaverat 7:30 PM ETSANDY HOOK
3rd Sat., each month880Benhamat 6:30 PM ETBENHAM
3rd Sat., each month826Big Springat 7:00 PM ETCECILIA
3rd Sat., each month961C.D. Wardat 7:00 PM ETEAST BERNSTADT
3rd Sat., each month464Coxat 7:00 PM ETCAMPTON
3rd Sat., each month955Fern Creekat 10:00 AM ETLOUISVILLE
3rd Sat., each month570Gavelat 7:30 PM ETMAGNOLIA
3rd Sat., each month610H.B. Grantat 7:00 PM CTGLASGOW
3rd Sat., each month924Hardburlyat 7:00 PM ETBONNYMAN
3rd Sat., each month311Highlandat 7:00 PM ETWEST LIBERTY
3rd Sat., each month819Howardat 7:00 PM ETBAXTER
3rd Sat., each month614Indian Creekat 10:00 AM ETANNVILLE
3rd Sat., each month806Nolenat 7:00 PM ETBLEDSOE
3rd Sat., each month545Pilgrimat 6:30 PM CTSHREWSBURY
3rd Sat., each month699Richardsonat 7:30 PM ETLOUISA
3rd Sat., each month559Shady Groveat 7:30 PM CTPRINCETON
3rd Sat., each month240St. Marysat 7:30 PM ETNICHOLASVILLE
3rd Sat., each month720Wilhelmat 7:00 PM CTCLARKSON
3rd Sat., each month639Woodstockat 7:00 PM ETDANVILLE
3rd Sat., each month964Zonetonat 7:30 PM ETHILLVIEW

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