6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
Kentucky Web-Masonry
Web Masonry
Attention Kentucky Webmasters:
Establishing A Lodge Website
Many of our brothers have already established websites throughout our state and I highly recommend that all lodges consider doing this as it will raise the profile of your lodge and Masonry in Kentucky, we will all benefit from this.
If you wish to establish a website, you must review the Kentucky Webmasonry Protocol and meet the requirements contained therein.
There are a number of tools to assist you in accomplishing this, and I am available at all times, for questions, advice, and commentary.
Have your Lodge’s Website reviewed and receive Grand Lodge Approval.
Notify Grand Lodge Webmaster to request to have your site Reviewed.
Kentucky’s Lodge Newsletters
Get your Lodge’s get their message out have your Lodge’s Newsletter published on the Grand Lodge Site. I received a Newsletter and thought about putting it on the web. If your Lodge has a Newsletter and would like to publish it on the Grand Lodge Site, email it to me or mail it to me.
Kentucky Freemasonry Email Group
Looking to Spread the Word about the happenings of your Lodge? Well try the Kentucky Freemasonry Email Group. Use it to promote Degree Work, Lodge Events and best of all the is Fellowship that you will be sharing the the others on the list.
To join the list Click Here!!