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Jobs Daughters

The International Order of Job’s Daughters

The International Order of Job’s Daughters is the only fraternal youth organization in Kentucky requiring all its members to be related to a Master Mason. It is a character building organization based on the teachings of the Book of Job in the Bible. It is for girls between the ages of 11 and 20 with a Masonic relationship through: father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, great uncle, cousin, brother, step-father, step-grandfather, or a Majority Member. Through its ritual, Job’s Daughters teaches its members reverence, respect for parents, loyalty, honesty, and piety. The yearly program for a Bethel consists of ritual competitions, fundraisers, Masonic appreciation events, civic and social projects, and leadership. Job’s Daughters support philanthropic work in H.I.K.E. (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment) which supplies hearing devices for children.

International Order of Job’s Daughters Web Page

Contact for Jobs Daughters in Kentucky

Job’s Daughters Bethel #18
P.O. Box 33121
Louisville, KY

Contact for Bethel # 18

Bonnie Koontz, BG
P.O. Box 33121
Louisville, KY
ph #: (502) 449-0904

Karriann Huber , Bethel Guardian
ph #: (859) 547-6220