6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
The Order of The White Shrine of Jerusalem is an inter-nation Christian Fraternal order which was organized under a charter dated October 23, 1894. The Ritual of the Order is founded upon the birth, life and death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Its teachings are scriptural and intended to illustrate and impress upon the mind of the initiate the humble but glorious birth and life of Him Who trod the winepress of life alone.
While as a fraternal Order it has for its primary purpose social contact and mutual protection and support for its members, it again justifies its existence by its Material Objective through which it carries out the teachings of Christ, helping those less fortunate, regardless of race, color, creed, or sect. It ministers to human needs, whatever and whenever they may be found. Its activity is not confined to its own membership and it is financed by voluntary contributions.
The Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem came into existence in Kentucky when Louisville Shrine No. 1 Louisville, Kentucky was organized on April 11, 1912. On October 16, 1954 the Kentucky White Shrine Association was organized for the purpose of the promotion of socialibility and fraternal friendship and the advancement of the Order in general. Miss. Esther A. Stenken of Covington, Kentucky was the organizer and first President.