6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
F. Keith Dreier
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Kentucky
When one speaks of "Masonic family", we need look no further than our Grand Master, Frank Keith Dreier, his wife Debbie, and their family for a true definition of dedication, service, and commitment to the Masonic fraternity.
Born June 9, 1954, the son of Frank and Eileen Dreier, in Bonne Terre, Missouri, Keith Dreier received his higher education at Murray State University graduating with a degree in marketing. While visiting a college fraternity brother's home, he met his life long companion and lovely wife, Debbie Barnes Dreier. Through this union of over 30 years, they have raised two sons, Brad and Chris, and daughter Traci. Lt. Brad Dreier is currently in Iraq serving with the United States Army and held various offices in Henry Barnes Lodge before his enlistment. Chris is employed as Director of Corporate Brands with Empire Food Brokers, and with wife Janelle are, as of June 26, 2008, the proud parents of a baby boy, Caleb, making Keith and Debbie highly pleased grandparents for the first time. Daughter Traci is employed in the Sales and Marketing Division of Enterprise Car Rental. Both Brad and Chris were raised by their father to Master Masons in Henry Barnes Lodge, and all three children along with their parents are members of Rosebud Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The family attends Lakeside Christian Church.
Brother Dreier was raised a Master Mason on February 7, 1976 in Samaritan Lodge No. 424, by his father, and still holds membership there. Both Keith's father and grandfather were Past Masters of #424. A dual member of Henry Barnes Lodge, and expert ritualist, Brother Keith rapidly progressed through the chairs becoming Master in 2003. He also served his lodge as Trustee, and board member of the Masonic Temple Association. His Lodge felt so highly of him, he was presented a "gold card" life membership, the only current member of Henry Barnes Lodge to be so honored. With his strong commitment to family, it is only natural that Keith and Debbie would become interested in the Eastern Star, serving as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron. When Debbie sought office as a Grand Officer, it was always with Keith by her side, encouraging and supporting her in every possible way, until she rose to the top as Worthy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star in Kentucky. Keith has served on various Grand Eastern Star Committees and currently on the Shrine Hospitals Committee. In the York Rite, Keith holds membership in both, Ft. Thomas and Temple Royal Arch Chapters, Jeffries Council Royal & Select Masters, and Newport Commandery. In Covington Valley Scottish Rite, he held various offices in both the Rose Croix and Consistory lines serving as Master of Kadosh from 1996 through 1998. He received his Thirty Third degree in 1999, and now serves on the Fraternal Relations Committee, as well as the 1200 Club Board of Directors. While sitting as Grand Master, Keith presided over the Investiture of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor for the Orient of Kentucky. Lady Debbie is Office Manager of the Covington Scottish Rite.
Other Masonic affiliated organizations include: White Shrine of Jerusalem, Knight Masons of Kentuckee, Royal Order of Scotland, Red Cross of Constantine, and El Hasa Shrine. He is also a recipient of the DeMolay Legion of Honor.
It is as a Grand Lodge officer that Keith Dreier made great improvements in Kentucky Masonry. Through his position at the Chiquita Company as Director of Trade in North America, he brought to the Grand Lodge a thorough knowledge of budgets, computer science, and communication skills. Immediately after his election as Grand Jr. Warden, he began an "open door" policy with the Craft, building an unparalleled trust between the Grand Lodge and the craft, advising the craft of financial needs and putting into practice cost savings plans. He opened himself to any and all questions, and answered them forthrightly. Keith conducted a major overhaul on the Grand Lodge computer system, making it more responsive equally to Grand Lodge, subordinate lodges, and individual Masonic needs. Our Grand Master is responsible for the "Fruit of our Labors" program which raised approximately $90,000.00 for our brother masons in the Masonic Home and appointed Keepers of the Work to help lodges in need of ritual assistance. Ritual being so dear to his heart, he along with the Grand Lodge officers, presented the three degrees in various parts of Kentucky, in a manner worthy of imitation, and utilizing the "Barnestormers" from his own lodge for the "Legend of the Temple". During all of this, he found time to graciously host both the Grand Masters Conference, and the Regional South Eastern Grand Masters Conference, thus putting Kentucky Masonry in the hearts, on the minds and lips of Masons throughout the United States, by showing them real Kentucky hospitality, and true Kentucky Freemasonry.Keith Dreier's popularity with the craft is well earned and so recognized with numerous honorary memberships, of which he is most proud and grateful.
In a few short years, Kentucky Masonry may forget what Keith Dreier has done for them, but the programs, works, and deeds he has brought to Kentucky will live on for many years to come.
- Well done, Keith Dreier, well done!