6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
E. Darren Wilson
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Kentucky
Brother Wilson was elected and installed as Grand Master during the 223rd Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky held in Bowling Green, Kentucky on October 17th and 18th, 2022.
E. Darren Wilson was born on February 3rd, 1968 in Louisville, Kentucky to Edward Allen and Elizabeth "Carolyn" Slone Wilson. Darren's father, Edward Allen Wilson, was a PM of Mt. Vernon Lodge #14, a member of Scott Lodge #702, Buford Lodge #494, and a PDDGM 2008-2009. Darren's father was also a member of Rising Star #115 Order of the Eastern Star. Darren's mother, Elizabeth "Carolyn" Slone Wilson, is a member of Rising Star #115 Order of the Eastern Star. Darren has a sister, Robyn Holt (Matt) and a niece, Carmen Holt. Brother Darren's maternal grandparents were Beckham and Naomi Singleton Slone. They were from Wayland, Kentucky and both worked as teachers in the local public-school system. His paternal grandparents were Stanley and Lillian Mutchelknaus Wilson. They were both originally from Ohio but lived their adult lives in Lexington, Kentucky.
Brother Darren is a devoted family man. On July 9th of 1986, Darren married the love of his life, Brenda Combs Wilson. Brenda is Past Worthy Matron of Rising Star #115 Order of the Eastern Star and Past Grand Representative to Pennsylvania Grand Chapter OES. Darren and Brenda are the proud parents of a son, Westley Darren Wilson (Ashley) of Richmond, Kentucky and a daughter, Megan Nicole Wilson Chaney (Chris) of Richmond, Kentucky. They are also the blessed grandparents of Blake Darren Wilson.
Brother Darren traveled all over the Commonwealth of Kentucky even before his decision to run for Grand Junior Warden. I have been privileged to tag along on a small number of trips and I can safely say that Darren never meets a stranger. He treats everyone with genuine kindness and compassion. He has no equal in this characteristic or personality trait. I believe this comes from his strong family roots and heritage. Darren has spoken often of his mother and father with love and devotion. I have observed, as others greet Darren, how often they note what a wonderful a gentleman his father Ed was and how he is missed.
If you spend much time around Brother Darren, you will know just how much he loves spending time with his family. You will know how hard Brenda works and still makes time to be able to travel and spend time with him. You will know what Westley does for a living and how hard he has worked in his business ventures. You will know how Megan graduated college, married Chris, and is building a career. You will know of the trips, particularly hunting trips, that Darren has taken with his grandson, Blake.
Brother Darren has a sincere love for people and a strong desire and commitment to help others through his many services to the community. If one asks him his favorite project accomplished by O.D. Henderson Lodge Darren will answer, "service to our community". One specific service project of O.D. Henderson Lodge is their contributions made to the Backpack Programs for youth. Darren takes pride in the fact that many other lodges in the state have similar service projects. Darren is proud that the lodges recognize the service of our Veterans and First Responders. This sense of duty is intrinsic for Darren. He needs no recognition or pats on the back to do the right thing. In short, he loves his family, community, state, and his country. Darren's love, dedication, and service may very well be what inspired him as our Most Worshipful Grand Master to assume the theme or mantra "We are our Brother's Keeper".
Brother Darren began his formal education at Eastern Elementary School in Scott County followed by his secondary years at Scott County High School. Afterward, Darren attended Kentucky Vocational School with an emphasis on electricity.
Brother Darren's worked as an Industrial Electrician most of his career. He worked in this profession for most of his adult life. He recently started his own business in property maintenance.
Brother Darren is of the Baptist denomination. He is a member of the Union City Baptist Church in Richmond, Kentucky.
Brother Darren is a member of multiple lodges and has many masonic affiliations. Darren began his journey in Masonry in 1989. Darren was initiated as an Entered Apprentice at Mt. Vernon Lodge #14 on June 8th, 1989, passed to degree of a Fellow Craft on August 7th, 1989, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on September 30th, 1989. Darren is currently a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge #14, O.D. Henderson Lodge #437, and Marlin White Lodge of Research. Darren was also a member of Waco Lodge #338 for a number of years. Brother Darren is a PM of Waco Lodge #338 and PM of Mt. Vernon Lodge #14 where he is currently Chaplain. Brother Darren served as secretary of O.D. Henderson for 12 years and gave up that capacity in January 2023. He is currently serving as Junior Steward.
Brother Darren has served the craft of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky in several appointed positions including:
DDGM District 25 2012-2013, Committee on Masonry Matters 2015-2016, Committee on Masonic Scholars 2016-2017, Committee on Masonic Scholars (Chairman) 2017-2018, and again Committee on Masonic Scholars 2018-2019.
Brother Darren previously served the Grand Lodge of Kentucky Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden 2019-2020, Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden 2020-2021, and Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master 2021-2022.
Brother Darren is a member of multiple appendant bodies of Masonry including:
* Scottish Rite Valley of Lexington (1993) Life Member 32nd Degree/Knight Commander of the Court of Honor (2017)
* Frankfort York Rite Bodies (1997)/Frankfort Chapter No. 3/Frankfort Council No. 5/Frankfort Commandery No. 4
* Rising Star #115 Order of the Eastern Star (1990) Past Worthy Patron
* Oleika Shrine of Lexington (1995)
* Highland York Rite College #134 (2021)
* Highland Knight Mason Council #104 (2021)
* The Royal Order of Scotland (2022)
Brother Darren has worked in various capacities with the Masonic Homes of Kentucky. He was appointed District 25 Masonic Homes Ambassador 2011-2012, Member of Board of Directors since 2020, Member of the Nomination Committee since 2020, and Member of Executive Committee since 2022.
Brother Darren is a Life Member of five Past Masters Associations which include:
* Appalachian Past Masters Society (Charter Member)
* Society of Past Masters East Central KY
* Society of Past Masters Southern KY
* Society of Past Masters Central KY
* C. Frye Haley Past Masters Association
Brother Darren has been awarded Honorary Memberships to a number of masonic lodges across our great state and Honorary Memberships to several Grand Lodges of other states in this great nation.
Brother Darren is an admired and respected leader who continually reminded us that "We are our Brother's Keeper". He encouraged us to check on our brothers who are ill, to call on those that were attending regularly but suddenly stopped, and to check on our shut-in brothers. He encouraged us to not to forget our obligation and check in and attend to the needs of our brothers' widows and children. Darren also encouraged us to not take lightly our obligation when we heard of or witnessed a brother acting without virtue or high moral standards.
Brother Darren's major focus points as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky have been:
* Support of Masonic Youth Groups
* Emergency Preparedness
* Historical Preservation
* Basic Education of Lodge Functions and Officer Duties
Brother Darren felt strongly that we as Masons across the state of Kentucky should do our best in support of the Masonic Youth Groups. He believes strongly that these are the future of our fraternity. He believed this so strongly that he had 500 special pins made in the form of a taco with the slogan "Tacos for Kids". Through the sales of the pins he raised $10,000 to be divided between the DeMolay, Job's Daughters, and the Rainbow Girls. Brother Darren also asked each lodge to acquire and maintain an emergency first-aid kit. He also encouraged the maintenance of our lodge buildings and grounds and that all possible safety hazards were addressed. Darren created a safety check list form to be utilized before or during each monthly communication.
Brother Darren has been instrumental in the historical preservation of all Kentucky lodges. He instituted an initiative for each lodge to prepare a brief history of their lodge to be published and recorded in the archives of The Grand Lodge of Kentucky.
Brother Darren is deeply dedicated to the ongoing education of all lodge members. Having worked with the Committee on Masonic Scholars and helping others with organization and the administration of the Constitution Quiz, Brother Darren feels that the knowledge gained from such endeavors is fundamental to the craft. Brother Darren continues to encourage lodges to hold their own forms of regular masonic education concerning the bylaws, regular lodge functions, and the knowledge of the duties of each installed and appointed lodge officer.
Regardless of the number of elected and appointed offices we have held, the titles or collars we have worn, and/or accolades we have been given, we must all remember to wear the virtue of humbleness that Brother Darren Wilson has so accurately modeled for us. Brother Darren's humility along with his genuine kindness and compassion endears him to everyone he has met throughout his masonic journey. I have heard Brother Darren asked many questions throughout the years of his grand line service and each question received its answer. The question and answer that stands out the most for me is, "What do you plan on doing after his year as Grand Master?" His answer, "I plan on being the best Junior Steward that I can possibly be for O.D. Henderson Lodge #437."