6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
No history of Kentucky Masonry would be complete without chronicling the impact of Scottish Rite Masonry upon thousands of Kentuckians. The organization known as “Scottish Rite” consists of Freemasons joined together to extend their Masonic study, association, and activities. The ceremonies of Freemasonry and its philosophy are contained in the first three degrees. [more]
York Rite Bodies
The York Rite of Freemasonry has been an integral part of Freemasonry in Kentucky for over 175 years. The York Rite is not the name of a separate organization; Cryptic and Templar Rites and is a symbol of the antiquity of Freemasonry. In Kentucky, the Grand Bodies of these Rites work closely together in a York Rite Council whose membership consists of the four highest elected officers in each Rite. [more]
Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
In August, 1870, William J. Florence, a prominent American actor traveling in Europe, was enthralled by a magnificent pageant presented by the Council from Egypt in Marseilles, France. Mr. Florence related this experience to his personal friends, Dr. Walter M. Fleming, in New York. Dr. Fleming was a noted Masonic scholar, and he utilized this ability plus his knowledge of Arabian and Egyptian literature to contrive a ritual. [more]
Order Of Eastern Star
The Grand Chapter of Kentucky, Order of the Eastern Star was organized at a Special Session of the Grand Chapter in Louisville, Kentucky, June 10, 1903. Mrs. Katie I. Thomas of Dora Chapter No. 2, Dayton, Kentucky was the first Worthy Grand Matron. R. H. Crothers of Bright Star Chapter No. 16 Louisville, Kentucky was the first Worthy Grand Patron. Twenty Chapters had previously been organized under the General Grand Chapter and these constituted the Grand Chapter of Kentucky. [more]
Order Of The Amaranth Inc. of Kentucky
One of the oldest Orders to be affiliated with the Masonic Lodge. During the reign of Queen Christina of Sweden The Order of the Amaranth was established for ladies and Knights of the Royal Court. It was built around the character of Lady Amarantha, who was portrayed as being a beautiful, virtuous and talented Lady of the Court. The name of the Order was probably chosen because of the beautiful, never-fading red Amaranthus flowers growing in profusion in Spain and Portugal. [more]
The Order of The White Shrine of Jerusalem
The Order of The White Shrine of Jerusalem is an International Christian Fraternal Order which was organized under a charter dated October 23, 1894. The Ritual of the Order is founded upon the birth, life and death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Its teachings are scriptural and intended to illustrate and impress upon the mind of the initiate the humble but glorious birth and life of Him Who trod the winepress of life alone. [more]
National Sojourners
Leaders of the Uniformed Services, United under the Masonic Brotherhood. Proudly Serving the Cause of Patriotism. [more]
The Order of DeMolay is an international fraternal organization for young men between the ages of 12 and 21, who are of good moral character, believe in God, and are recommended by a Master Mason. (more)
Rainbow for Girls
The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service organization that is dedicated to God through Love and Service to others. It is for girls between 11 and 19 years of age. They must be of good moral character, believe in God, and be sponsored by a Master Mason, Eastern Star, Amaranth, or Rainbow Majority Member. (more)
jobs Daughters
The International Order of Job’s Daughters is the only fraternal youth organization in Kentucky requiring all its members to be related to a Master Mason. (more)