6:30 pm: District 5 Meeting
February 28, 2025
District 5 Meeting
Meal 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:30pm, Central Time
The Order of the Amaranth is one of the oldest Orders to be affiliated with the Masonic Lodge. During the reign of Queen Christina of Sweden The Order of the Amaranth was established for ladies and Knights of the Royal Court. It was built around the character of Lady Amarantha, who was portrayed as being a beautiful, virtuous and talented Lady of the Court. The name of the Order was probably chosen because of the beautiful, never-fading red Amaranthus flowers growing in profusion in Spain and Portugal. The Order was perpetuated and exists in the Royal Court of Sweden now.
The Order was organized in Kentucky in 1947 and has grown and remains as beautiful as when it was organized. The Order of the Amaranth is an organization for men and women of Masonic families. It is the royalty of service to humanity set to the music of fraternal love. When you walk into the court room of the Amaranth there is a Flag of your Country. The Amaranth Opens with the simple subline words of the World’s Redeemer, used by Him when He gave us the Lords Prayer. When the Royal Matron is installed, in order to to keep the Order as closely associated with the Word of the Master as possible, The Holy Bible is placed in her care. Our teachings are Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity. The greatest of these is Charity.
Honored Lady Yvonne M. Shuck, Grand Royal Matron
Sir Knight Ralph C. Lawson, Grand Royal Patron
Order of the Amaranth, Inc. Supreme Council
Kentucky Amaranth Website